Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's april 22nd, 13 days until the concert!

In exactly 13 days I will be in Toronto at another concert! I, my friends, am excited. Okay so I'm not really fond of fall out boys, anything they made after 2005 is shit in my opinion. But they're headlinging, Cobra Starship(♥), Metro Station, All Time Low (♥♥♥♥♥♥) and Hey Monday (♥♥♥). I'm so excited... even if I'm not in the mosh pit. I plan to get an All Time Low, Cobra Starship and a Hey Monday t-shirt, and a poster or two, if possible. It all depends on how much money I can collect by then.
Haha, today I decided that it would be a great idea to buy ice cream. As amazing as it was it only took three people like fifteen minutes to consume the entire, nearly, two liter container. It was fun, but now we're all full, and Kae-chan left.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How long can this go on, Singing myself to sleep, You're haunting every memory,You're still my favorite melody

Okay so I don't have much to talk about really. Well maybe I do.
Today I learned who my (supposed) best friends has a crush on, from her blog not from her, it's weired because I thought that she would tell me these things. I know I normally tell her things like that. Oh well. She's also going to New York for a few days so I won't see her again until nex monday. I hope she has fun, I really do.
At lunch today we also started planning out weddings, for ourselves. I even drew pictures! We're just that amazing. I don't really think I'll ever get married, and I'm not really one of those girls who fantasizes over things like that. I guess the stupid daydreams won't hurt me any. I think it's funny because only one of my friends has a boyfriend, and of course I'm happy for her.
Another thing that happened today was one of my friends tried to add my Grandmother on facebook. It was weird considering they've never met. Also I'm not super close to him either. Needless to say I'm still kind of laughing about.
I don't know about you but for us Easter dinner was this weekend; three if my cousins, one of my aunts, one of my uncles, my mother and my grandma (different grandparent than mentioned before), All in one room eating dinner. Almost half way through one of my cousins references Jeff Dunham's Achmed the Dead Terrorist, by saying something along the lines of 'Pass the potatoes or I kill you.' Then my two oldest cousins and I spend another fifteen minutes making other references. By far the best family meal I had in ages!
Needless to say I've had a semi-interesting little while.
OH! I almost forgot, I'm totally confused by the fact that this one chick likes my ex. It blows my mind! He's definetly nothing special, he's actually kinda mean. But I kinda think he likes her back, which is also strange just because of who he is.
I love the feeling that you get yo uthink the guys you like actually kind of dislikes you. It's annoying, but a few of his friends insist I'm crazy because of that. To which I say 'What's you're first hint?' I'm kinda crazy most of the time, they insist that the insanity is only to the thoughts about him disliking me. Oh well, It's not like I'd ask him out anyways, I hate rejection too much.
Anyways I don't have much left to say other than, if you haven't seen Jeff Dunham and Peatnut, or Achmed, you should, go look it up on youtube.