Sunday, April 25, 2010

Changing Places; I want to live life from a new perspective.

So I'm moving,

not like houses or anything but blogs.

I'll still use this for some of my photo shop projects, but that's not the same blog.

I'm switching over to a different website. I'm not posting a link or the name or anything, because to me having people reading my blog defeats the purpose, because then I start censoring myself and holding things back.

I'll attempt to post here semi-regularily, but I'm sure I won't have much to say. Not that I've had much to say recently, I seem to recall my last post being about food.

It's for the best. Plus not many people really care.

I'm like 99.9 % sure Katie's the only one who reads this anyway.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm so tired lately. Like I honestly can't function fully just because I'm yawning all the time and stuff.

YAY! I'm getting lunch soon! I'm excited the last time I bought lunch it was from the Chip Truck, it was amazing, and disgusting at the same time. As far as fast food goes it's fresh and healthier than most of the other places around here, but it's just so greasy.

But I'm going to SubWay!! I'm so excited I've been craving it for a few days, even if I had it on the weekend. I'm also excited for my rather yummy dinner tonight, even if it is leftovers.

Enough about food...

okay I think of anything but food at the moment, but I'm still kinda hungry, so it explains a lot.

I also had cookies for breakfast thanks to Rowan, but I'm off to get my lunch, even if it's only like 10.

Friday, April 9, 2010

So if you, you peel away the skin You'll find the strong survive they can't always win, You won't see me drown when I Sink or Swim

Today sucked ASS, like as far as days go this has been the worse in a long time. Like it was so bad I cried! I never cry, and I fucking did in front of all most of the Radio kids and Rose.

Rose got shitty news from Admin at school.

He can only bring in six kids from KCVI next semester. Out of all the vets from KC he can only bring back kids with four credits or less. Rose is looking into Chase and Brittney since they came from other schools which apparently means that KC isn't their home school.

Which means as far as things look right now, It's just Alison and I that can't get back in, and she's not even sure if she wants to come back.

I fucking hate this, It's like I've been kicked out of my house or something, actually worse, since I don't think I'd be this upset if my mom kicked me out.

It's just not fair like the principal just doesn't get that not letting us come back is keeping the kids who care about the station the most from it, I work so fucking hard there just to be told I can't come back. It's all because of enrollment being down, teachers are being fired and Rose has to bring in 20 kids, 14 of which CAN'T be from KC.

She's making him do this because she need to raise the numbers of kids from outside of the school. The higher that number the more funding we can get from the government.

I'm not allowed back first semester because some greedy bitch wants more money.

On the bright side, there aren't any restrictions on second semester YET, but the school would have it's funding by then.

I have some other better news but I'm sworn to secrecy which pisses me off to know end.


On a brighter note, Hedley last night was awesome, two hours of Hedley! it was like 'beautiful insanity' ( sorry I had to use one of their lyrics). It was just fantastic, I love Jacob Hoggard and his stage presence so much. I can't wait to see them again.

Boys Like Girls weren't bad, actually they were pretty good, but I can't say I liked their newer stuff any more than I did on their album.

Stereos were much better than I gave them credit for, they're also super nice. I may be having an interview with them sometime.

Fefe Dobson, was hilarious, she sucked to be honest and the pant-things she was wearing made it look like she had balls. But man her bassist Steve was hot.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So I owe Justin BIG time for the concert tickets, Of course like all things cave related it turned into a slightly perverted conversation... Oh well it's entertaining.

I'm not really sure what else I want to say right now so I'll leave it at that.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Can't Live With or Without You...

Once again I'm falling back to where I always do this time of year, It seems to be him and I are getting closer, we're talking again, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not but I'm just rolling with it for now.

I learned the other day that he wrote poems about me, and sometime next week I'm actually going to read them, never thought I'd see the day where he'd let me do that. Of course in return he gets to read some of mine too, which I'm not looking forward to but I'm fucking curious.

I've sworn up and down for over a year that I wouldn't date him again, I couldn't. It's just not good for me, but once again I may be breaking another promise to myself. Not like they mean much anyway.

Then there are the two other guys I like, one of them I think I'm getting over and the other on I'm not sure where it stands, but I'm sure nothing will come of either because of my warped views on myself, that only other people see as warped I think they're accurate, and one of them really likes another girl and is still dealing with other bullshit.

I kinda want to just take a break from anything relationship related, I mean the relationship part is far from even being a problem, but the liking people and the constant questioning about who you like is just getting to be a bit more than annoying.

At least I have Hedley to look forward to, FIVE DAYS MOTHER FUCKERS!!!

And with May fast approaching I'll be happier, fucking onset seasonal...

Believe me, It's easy
To scream when you're dreaming
You wonder what's under your bed when you're sleeping.

I love you, I need you.
Like a thousand times before.
Wonder why I hate you.
But I'll scream and ask for more.
I only wanted your attention
At least the hate is some connection
But hey, it's just another Saturday

Believe me, It's easy
To live between the lines.

You're tied up, you're cried up.
You gotta get outta here
But hey it's just another Saturday.
It's only just another Saturday.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I miss you, I'm so sorry.

Today got even better.

I'm not going to lie I didn't really have many intentions of resolving what was going between my friend and I. I'm just so tired of drama and bullshit so once it stopped I was done, like for good. I've lost enough friends to not make it seem like a big deal.

But I can honestly say I didn't expect an apology from her, it just didn't seem to pan out in my head. But I opened my locker today to find a lovely picture of me she drew and a long note.

Honestly, I know I'm saying that a lot, I probably never would have seen it if it weren't for me sharing a locker with Page and her making me look at it.

It made me realize that she's one of the best friends a person could have. She puts so much into her friendships. These are just some of the things she's drawn with me in them, and the things she's drawn for me.

I'm sorry Katie I was being a jerk and we both said hurtful things, and I think a lot of the things that were said were pretty low blows, at least the ones aimed at me felt that way.

We've both had enough bullshit to deal with and the fact that we're making more of it for each other is just mean and shitty.

I wanted to do more for an apology, but I could of think of displaying how much I love your artwork and how much I appreciate the things you've drawn for me. They line my bedroom and keep me from going insane from looking at that evil pink wall.

I love you and I'm sorry.

I had more to upload but the files were too big for EVERY website.

I can't go back and I won't go back to you

So today has been a good day, SO FAR.

We got free donuts for a lot of us having show's planed but some losers didn't, and still got donuts.

Then I had lunch, I normally don't eat lunch so the bagel was extra yummy.


My friend Justin gave me two tickets to the Hedley show a week from today, he's my new favorite person. FUCK YES! I wanted the tickets but I didn't have the money. so yeah I'm fucking happy.

I may be meeting Rowan's fun cousin Nick on Sunday, he likes good music!

and I'm hanging with Chase at the mall on Monday too, which is fun since we never hang outside of school.

Also today Dustin got made up by Anna, it was wonderful.

Thank you April Fool's day. Always the best day of the year. :D