Saturday, June 12, 2010

So my other blog is being dumb so I'm going to rant here instead.

Bear with me.

I really fucking HATE the couples that date for like two months and start saying they're in love, sure once it a blue moon it might actually be true but in life you're more than likely the rule not the exception. It takes more that knowing someone for a few months to know if you're in love with them.

In my experience and with every conversation I've had about love, you have to know everything about a person, even the things that they've been hiding, you have to know their past and be completely okay with that.

In most cases you have to completely hate someone before you can love them, because as a great friend of mine once said, the two are nearly interchangeable.

Love doesn't happen in three months especially when you're 16. It's fine with me if that's what you think but my opinion will stay the same.

Most of the stories you hear about teens falling in love so fast so young are the ones who end up in abusive relationships, or murdered on 48 hours mysteries.

I'm sorry to rant again, but I'm just tired of EVERYONE around me falling in love in like 30 seconds. It's just not real.